By Rural Builder Staff
Several companies were presented with their 2024 Gold Key of Excellence Awards at the first annual Post-Frame Builder Show, held June 19-20 in Branson, Missouri. Metal Roofing Metal of Honor Awards were also presented.
In just a few months, you’ll once again see the Gold Key nomination ballot in Rural Builder. If you believe any of your suppliers deserve to be on the ballot, and they have been in Rural Builder magazine within the past year, send a nomination to [email protected], with the subject line: Gold Key 2025 Nomination.

Joel McAfee accepts the Award on behalf of The Bradbury Group.

Chad Feazel accepts the awards on behalf of Palram.

Chris Davies, Brett Clary,
and Robert Cristman accept the
awards on behalf of Dripstop.

Jerry Martin (left)
and Mark Sherman accept the
award on behalf of Frontier Metal.

Janus International was presented their first Rural Builder Gold Key of Excellence accepted by David Hancock.

Shannon Zimmerman
and Bart Bishop receive the awards
for Levi’s Building Components.

Malco Tools received
their second Gold Key of Excellence
award in 2024. DJ Geiseman and
Shane Norman accept the award.

Mark Stover accepts the award on behalf of Perma-Column.

Mark Lindgren accepts
the award on behalf of Trac-Rite Doors .

Payton Mattis (left) and
Bryan Chatham accept the awards
on behalf of United Steel Supply.

Paul Zimmerman, Daniel Zimmerman, and Noah Oberholzer accept the award.
Talent Foundation Awarded Rural Builder’s 2024 Gold Key of Service Award
This year’s Gold Key of Service Award, announced in the July issue, was presented to Building Talent Foundation (, to recognize its contribution to the construction industry and its efforts to solve the worker shortage, while also introducing youth to the idea that construction industry is an excellent career opportunity.

What Building Talent Foundation Does
Building Talent Foundation is a national nonprofit organization founded by the Leading Builders of America to address the acute talent shortage in residential construction. BTF’s mission is to advance the education, training, and career progression of young people and people from underrepresented groups, helping them develop into skilled technical workers and business owners in residential construction. BTF works with builders, trade partners, suppliers, and manufacturers, and all their educational partners to rebuild the residential construction workforce. BTF connects builders and trades with secondary schools, post-secondary schools, colleges, and nonprofit organizations to promote the construction industry as a career choice. BTF then networks to help students find internships, apprenticeships, training, and employment opportunities to jumpstart their residential construction careers.RB