How can you get your name out in front of prospective clients, and show them the quality of your work too? Short of taking every prospective customer to show them a completed project (which may quickly become old to the owners of these buildings), the easy answer is to get your work published in the Source Book! Just send us a few hi-res phots of your favorite project(s) along with a list of components and a short paragraph about the build, use, any special requests, or challenges along the way. When your project is chosen, you can get extra copies to show prospective clients and your project will be published online as well, so your marketing efforts can include a link to them.
Not only will you have free marketing assistance, but you will be getting your name out in front of others in the industry as well, helping to build your reputation. These are great payback for a small outlay of time to send your project in!
Make it Easy on Yourself–Submit Your Project Now!