A report released by OSHA (osha.org) estimates that 35,000 serious injuries and 62,000 non-serious injuries involving forklifts occur annually. Construction sites can be potentially dangerous due to the presence of substantial building materials, as well as heavy-duty machinery.

Choosing the right piece of material handling equipment for loads and facilities is a decision not to be made lightly. While there are several factors to take into consideration, such as effective and efficient handling, financial cost, and sustainability, safety should be a top priority on the list. To maintain a safe work environment, it’s paramount to understand why these accidents happen, the factors that can contribute to them and, most importantly, how they can be prevented.

Prevent Rollovers and Tipping Incidents

According to OSHA’s directives, the safest place for the driver to be is strapped into the seat with a seat belt. This practice is crucial, as one of the most serious types of forklift accidents involves forklift rollovers or tipping incidents. To ensure this practice, a simple switch can be fitted under the seat with a sensor that detects whether the operator is seated and prevents the forklift from starting unless the seatbelt is fastened. Making this a standard feature in all forklifts could prevent serious injuries or even fatalities in case of a forklift rollover. Tipover can be prevented by following OSHA standards, which mandate keeping the load as close to the ground as possible during travel as well as keeping the forklift mast fully in.

Multidirectional forklift models such as those in the C-Series and CB range from Irish manufacturer Combilift are designed to travel sideways while handling long loads, for example, timber panels. The sideways function eliminates the need for overhead carrying while navigating tight spaces, which significantly reduces the risk of injury. An additional safety feature is that these forklifts are built with a low center of gravity, allowing for a low-to-the-ground movement of a load. An integrated platform provides a stable base for resting the load during transportation.

All photos courtesy of Combi-Lift.

 Other common causes of forklift tipping over include poorly balanced loads and overloading. It is of utmost importance for forklift operators to be aware of the type of load they are handling, its load center and overall weight, and the height it needs to be lifted. Equally important is their understanding of the type of forklift they are operating and its specific characteristics and load chart, as there might be different types of forklifts with different load capacities within the same facility. 

Avoid Overloads

Fitting a forklift with an anti-overload device such as the Combi-SafeLift will enable operators to avoid the pitfalls of potential overloading, which can have serious consequences if it occurs. This simple and cost-effective system consists of a strain sensor on the mast section and a lift cutout valve on the hydraulic line to disable lifting if the unit is potentially overloaded. An audible alarm warns the operator of an overload situation, and a load moment indicator is fitted to the dashboard in the cab. The operator can instantly see from the green, amber, and red “traffic light” signalling when there is a risk of overloading or when the forks are not fully engaged, for example, and take appropriate action.

Improve Visibility

Another reason why forklift accidents can occur is due to obstructed sightlines. Some common causes that can block the driver’s line of sight include driving with elevated forks or carrying oversized loads, such as timber trusses and other materials found on construction sites. The sideways models, for example the C-Series and Combi-CB addresses this issue, as operators are able to transport long and oversized loads low to the ground, offering an exceptional view of potential dangers. To maximize visibility, they also feature a high-positioned offset driver cab, providing forklift drivers with an excellent vision of the load, forks, and surrounding areas, increasing safety and reducing the risk of accidents and product damage. This feature offers significant advantages compared to conventional forklifts, in which the cabin and driver’s seat are positioned in the center and behind the mast, creating blind spots and obstructing the operator’s visibility.

Decrease Operator Stress and Fatigue

OSHA reports that long work hours may increase the risk of injuries and accidents and can contribute to poor health and worker fatigue. These issues, which are particularly common in today’s busy work environment, can lead to a further source of forklift accidents. While implementing shorter shifts or providing workers with more break time can be a solution, it is not always feasible and easy to achieve. As forklift drivers usually need to operate for extended periods, a more feasible solution is to prioritize their comfort and minimize strain to prevent fatigue.

The elevated position of ergonomically designed cabs ensures that the driver’s line of sight is not impeded. This, together with full suspension seats and intuitive and ergonomically positioned controls, can lead to an improvement in driver’s confidence and comfort, making for a stress-free in-cab environment. While it is paramount to always look in the direction of travel when driving a forklift, this can also contribute to driver strain, particularly when travelling in reverse.

Combilift’s autoswivel seat automatically engages and swivels the seat and armrest 15° to the right or left to accord with the direction of travel selected by the operator, significantly reducing driver strain. 

Increase Training 

Ensuring forklift safety is crucial in any workplace, particularly in construction sites where other heavy machinery is also used. Equally important is the implementation of more operator training and forklift operation procedures which, according to OSHA, could reduce accidents by 70%. Adhering to OSHA directives and standards and selecting the material handling equipment best suited to the needs will ensure the safety and productivity of the workforce. RB

Combilift (Combilift.com) is the largest manufacturer of multidirectional, sideloading, and articulated forklifts globally. It become the world’s fastest-growing forklift manufacturer, exporting to more than 85 countries, with more than 90,000 trucks in use worldwide, delivering customization and adaptability to the diverse needs of every customer.