S-5! provided materials to builder Secor Building Solutions for construction of nine cold storage orchard buildings.

In 1984, as a senior at Cornell University studying pomology (fruit science) and economics, Chip Bailey founded KC Bailey Orchards, a now 230-acre apple orchard in upstate New York. A first-generation farmer, Chip was always interested in orchards growing up in Wayne County, New York, the largest apple producing county east of the Mississippi. Chip and his wife, Karla, are environmentally-conscious people who understand the potential for generating renewable energy on their farm and have integrated a holistic approach to growing their 10+ varieties of apples. 

On site, nine metal buildings primarily provide cold storage for their apples after harvest and prior to distribution. Each building was constructed with Ameri-Cana siding and Fabral® metal roofing. Five of the nine roofs feature direct-attach solar photovoltaics (PV). The PV was secured to the roofs with the S-5-PVKIT®2.0 solar attachment solution and S-5-S Mini clamps. The remaining structures utilize a traditional rail system.

The Bailey’s chose to use metal building components not only for their lasting performance and durability, but also because of their reflective properties, which lowers the temperature of the building and enhances its cold-storage functionality. 

Project Details:

Location: Upstate New York

Size: Nine solar PV systems: total system size, 294.055 kW; 1,083 panels installed

Architect: Secor Engineering

General Contractor: Secor Building Solutions

PV Contractor: LTHS Solar

Electrical Contractor: Lauterborn Electric; Bleier Electric, Inc.

Inverters: Fronius

Roof and Wall Panels: Roofs: Fabral 1½” SSR Series; Fabral Grandrib 3

Walls: Ameri-Cana Panels

Other: Roof Clamps: S-5-PVKIT®2.0 (1,900);
S-5-S Mini Clamp (1,900)
