This was a combination of post and stick frame. G. Russo Construction LLC stick built most of this and Cedar Valley Post-Frame LLC skinned it in steel. The side with the two upper black doors was post and beam construction constructed by Russo. Cedar Valley Post Frame constructed the garage post-frame to match, however, the garage was constructed for storage prior to the work on the house. Cedar Valley found working with a company with the skills and communication Russo Construction provided was more than a pleasure. The owners of the two companies learned a lot from each other throughout the project and have become good friends since. Their knowledge of conventional construction and post-frame construction, respectively, is excellent, so Cedar Valley is always happy to refer to G. Russo Construction when people contact them for stick frame type construction.
Builders: Cedar Valley Post Frame LLC and Russo Construction
G. Russo Construction

Home Lumber:
AD Moyer and Lezzer Lumber
Roof Panels:
Everlast Roofing
Garage Lumber:
Rigidply Rafters