Shield Wall Media recently closed its mid-year Construction Business Climate Survey. Despite all the doom and gloom we hear on the news, the results are surprisingly good.
We divided respondents into three categories: Building Contractors, Roofing Contractors, and Building Material Dealers or Manufacturers.
Here are some of the results:
- Year over year gross sales Q1
° 69% are up across all business types
° Building Contractors are up the most - Year over year units sold for Q1
° 60% are the same or up slightly; 22% are down slightly
° In units sold, Dealers/Distributors/Manufacturers are up most - Year over year Profitability for Q1
° 44% same, 31% better. (2021 was a record year for many!) - Business challenges
° Worker shortages were the #1 challenge for Building Contractors and Dealers/Distributors/Manufacturers
° Roofers were tied between material shortages and material costs
° Gasoline was only big for Dealers/Distributors/Manufacturers - Q2 gross sales 2022 vs. 2021
° Across all sectors, 70% are up
° Dealers/Distributors/Manufacturers up most - Q2 profitability
° Across all 38% up; the same is 44%
° Dealers/Distributors/Manufacturers are up the most - 2022 general outlook
° 54% said 2022 will result better than 2021
° 11% said 2022 will result the same as 2021