We can only imagine the conversations when these homeowners show their friends the ultimate garage. “Wow. Now that’s a garage.”

This is not actually a completely new building; it’s a renovation. This building was originally a monitor style dog kennel connected to a small traditional style post frame building. The original monitor style was demolished but the existing concrete slab was left in place. The small traditional post frame building was also left in place.

Pioneer Pole Buildings, Inc. then constructed a new 40′ x 50′ x 16′ post frame building attached gable-to-gable to the building that was left in place. The existing building was reroofed and reskinned to match the new construction.

Reusing some of the previous buildings and the slab limited the overall spend and made the customer’s dream a reality by keeping it in his budget as compared to other construction types.


Freehold, New Jersey


40′ x 50′ x 16′


RigidPly Rafters: 3-ply 2×6 GluLam with ground contact 0.60 PCF CCA treatment, 8′ on center.



roof framing: 

2×6 top and bottom chord trusses, 40′ span. Purlins: 2×4, 2′ on center, flat.


Everlast Metals Omni Series II, 27 gauge, color black. 


Everlast Metals Omni Series II, 28 gauge, color slate. 


PremierMetals KWIKSEAL MB Woodbinder for walls, ZXL MB Woodbinder for roof.